zaterdag 4 maart 2017

Groupwork like Joan Miró

Made by students of grade 3/4

Joan Miró's (Spain, 1893-1983) made paintings, sculptures, textile arts and theater. His paintings contain colorful organic shapes in bright colors: red, blue, yellow, green. The colored surfaces are outlined in black and frequently divided with black lines.

Show some of Miró's artwork. What do you see: bright colors, eyes, shapes outlined in black, divided surfases, stars. Talk about the difference between geometric and organic shapes. Talk about lines: straight, angular, rounded. What do you see in Miró's artwork?

The goal for a group of 4 students is: draw alternately lines on the white sheet with a permanent black marker. Make sure those lines look like Miró. Off course lines may cross! Then draw some elements Miró used too: eyes, stars, divided surfaces etc. Color the artwork. Be sure you're working with 4, so consult each other.

Ready? Sign the work with your personal signature in Miró style!

vrijdag 3 maart 2017

Medieval guild signs

You need:
  1. several materials,  like cardboard or wood 
  2. drawing materials
In the Middle Ages in Europe many artisans and merchants were joined in a guild. A guild was a kind of union for people with the same profession. The guild proposed rules for their members and provided in the exchange of knowledge and experience.
Examples of trade guilds are baker's guild, weaver;s guild, brewers guild or carpenter guilds.
Market vendors and peddlers were members of a merchant's guild. They traded goods such as fabrics, wood and food.

After a lesson about medieval guilds, these guild signs were made. The goal was to create a guild sign on which you can see what guild you're dealing with.

dinsdag 14 februari 2017

Dali's moustache II

Made by a student of grade 1
You need:
  1. colored sheet A4 size
  2. black marker
  3. white sheet A4 size
  4. black crayon
  5. scissors and glue 
  6. pipe cleaner 
More information about Salvador Dalí, see the lesson High legged elephant in the style of Salvador Dali.

Show some surrealistic artworks of Dali and discuss the surrealistic parts of it.  Show The melting clocks. Discuss the shape of the clocks. What happened to these clocks? Are these clocks that you can hang on the wall? Why not? Why do we call this surreal?
Dali's artwork will surprise you. We see realistic parts, complemented with dreams and fantasy.

Dali was an eccentric man. Show som portraits of Dali and look at all those different ways he wears his moustache.

Students write words about surrealism and Dali with a marker on the colored sheet. Then they draw a portrait of him with crayon on a white sheet. Cut it, paste in on the colored sheet. Puncture two holes under the nose and pull the pipe cleaner through. Shape the moustache in a way that Dali would like!

maandag 19 december 2016

Xmas angels

Made by students of grade 3
You need:
  1. white drawing sheet
  2. watercolour paint
  3. brushes 
  4. black marker
  5. glitter 
Outline a saucer on a white sheet and cut it out. Draw an angel. Paint with watercolour paint. Outline with a fine glitter marker. 
Paste the artwork on another circle. 

vrijdag 16 december 2016

Dancing Christmas trees

Made by a student of grade 1
You need:

  1. white drawing sheet
  2. pencil
  3. markers
  4. chalk pastels
Dancing Christmas trees are Christmas trees who look like them only because of the shape (rectangular) and decorations (balls, garlands and stars)! The trunks are much longer than the  the ordinary trees and because of the curves in them it looks they are dancing.  
Draw with pencil, colour with markers, outline with black marker and colour the background with chalk pastels.

woensdag 30 november 2016

Landscape with chalk pastels

Made by students of grade 5

You need:
  1. black construction paper
  2. black oil pastels
  3. soft pastels
  4. hairspray
Show several hillsides and discuss what you see:  light/shadow, depth, overlapping, colours, pointed/rolling. 

Students draw with pencil a simplified hillside on the black sheet. In the blogpost 'Peaks and Valleys' a step by step explanation how to draw this. Give students a maximum of 5 minutes for this part of the lesson, to prevent them of drawing all kinds of details.

Trace the pencil lines with black oil pastel. Colour the hills and sky using chalk pastels. Color and mix, smear and blend until you're satisfied. Be sure the difference can be seen between the light-iluminated parts of the hills and the parts that are in shadow. 
Trace after coloring the black lines again if necessary. Fix the artwork with hairspray. 

maandag 21 november 2016

Tea light holder The Style

Made by a student of grade 4

You need:
  1. black construction paper  41 by 12 cm 
  2. wax paper in red, blue and yellow
  3. cutting mat and cutter
  4. glue
Tell students about art the movement The Style and two of its most famous contributors Piet Mondriaan and Theo van Doesburg. 

Draw 4 lines with 10 cm between them from bottom to the top of the black sheet. The last strip (1 cm) is the glue strip. 
Draw four squares or rectangles on the black sheet. Then draw lines from about 1 cm wide. Cut the spaces between the lines and paste wax paper behind them. 
Finish the lantern by folding the four lines and pasting it. 

maandag 14 november 2016

Moon behind tree

Made by a student of grade 6
You need:
  1. white drawing sheet 
  2. charcoal
  3. chalk pastels 
  4. indian ink
  5. brush 
Use a saucer to draw a moon in the center of the sheet. Colour it with yellow chalk pastel. Colour the rest of the sheet grey using charcoal: around the moon it's brighter than further away.
Draw a branch and paint it with Indian ink.

zaterdag 5 november 2016

Weaving like Mondriaan

Made by a student of grade 2

You need:
  1. white sheet A4 size
  2. colored paper strips in primary colours
  3. scissors
  4. glue
  5. black fineliner 
Fold the white sheet in half.
Cut evenly-spaced slits starting from the folded edge and continuing up to about a half inch from the opposite. Open up the paper.
Take one paper strip and weave it across the slits, going over and under them. Push the strip to the top and start with another one. The second strip should be woven in an opposite pattern as the first one. If the first strip goes over and under across the slits, the second one should go under and over the slits.
Continue weaving until the white sheet is full. Paste the ends of the strips on the white sheet.
Create a frame by pasting the artwork on black construction paper. Draw small patters on the white strips using a fine black marker. 

zondag 30 oktober 2016

Mondriaan collage with printed lines

You need:

  1. paper in primary colours
  2. white sheet A3 size 
  3. pieces of cardboard 
  4. black tempera paint
  5. saucer
  6. ruler 
  7. pencil 
  8. scissors 
Just like Piet Mondriaan (De Stijl), students draw rectangles and squares using ruler and pencil on construction paper in yellow, blue and red.  After this the drawings have to be cut and pasted on a white sheet. However Mondriaan did not: students may stick colours together.  
Stamp straight lines using a piece of ribbed cardboard and black tempera paint. 

Made by a student of grade 3 


vrijdag 14 oktober 2016

Happy monsters

You need:

  1. drawing sheets A3 size
  2. markers
  3. tempera paint

Draw happy monsters! Not the scary types, but the nice ones with big eyes. Color with markers, background with tempera. Outline with black marker.

Made by students of grade 6

vrijdag 24 juni 2016

A day at the beach

Artworks made by students of grade 5

You need:
  1. drawing sheet A3 size
  2. white drawing sheets
  3. tempera paint
  4. brushes
  5. scissors
  6. markers and/or pencils
  7. glue
  8. pencils
Talk about a day at the beach: things (to do) on the sand, things (to do) in the water and things (to do) in the air. Talk about people standing in the water: they seem to have half legs!

Cover four tables with newspaper and put three containers with paint on it:
  • yellow and a little brown besides (beach) + two big brushes
  • blue and a little green (seawater) + two big brushes
  • blue and white (air) + two big brushes 
  • white (surf) + two brushes to stamp
Show how to paint the beach: a lot of yellow on the brush and a little brown for the beach (do not mix!). Do the same with blue and white for the air, and blue with green for the sea. Make wavy motions with the brush to accentuate the water. Finish with a white stamping brush for the surf.
While four students are painting, the others can start with the drawing part of this lesson: draw people and things you see on the beach. Color with markers or color pencils. Cut those little drawings and paste them on the beach, the water or in the air.

donderdag 16 juni 2016

Oscar the Octopus

You need:
  1. drawing sheet A2 size
  2. oilpastels
  3. liquid watercolor paint
  4. jar with water
  5. brushes
  6. salt
After a story about Oscar the Octopus and viewing some pictures of squids, students draw a squid in the sea. Big head, big eyes at the bottom of the head, eight tentacles that go over and under each other. These things should be seen in the drawing.

Color with oil pastels and draw patterns. Be sure the tentacles are going over and under each other - this has to be seen in the patterns.  Outline when necessary with a dark color.
Drip some liquid water color on the background after you made it wet. Sprinkle salt  for a great 'watery' effect.
All artworks are made by students of grade 3

zondag 5 juni 2016

Japanese notans

Made by a student of grade 6

You need:
  1. white paper 20 by 20 cm
  2. black paper 10 by 10 cm
  3. scissors
  4. glue
  5. cutter and cutting mat
Show pictures of notans  -  there are symmetrical notans, and also non symmetrical. Some notans are abstract, others are figurative.

Discuss the pictures with the students.
What stands out? Is there symmetry in the picture or not? Is the artwork abstract or figurative? Is there harmony in this notan?

Students make their own notan: figurative or abstract. There shouldn't remain any paper!

vrijdag 13 mei 2016

Patterned peacock

Artworks made by students of grade 4

You need:
  1. drawing sheet 20 by 20 cm
  2. color pencils
  3. markers
  4. colored construction paper
  5. glue
Draw a small peacock on the bottom of the white sheet. Draw lines from peacock to the sides and top of the sheet. Color patterns with color pencils or markers or a combination of them. Outline peacock and 'feathers' with a black marker.
Cut the peacock (look at the pictures) and paste it on a colored sheet.

donderdag 12 mei 2016

Fruit in complementary colors

You need:
  1. white sheets 20 by 20 cm
  2. pencil
  3. ruler
  4. oilpastels
  5. watercolor paint
  6. brushes
  7. jar with water

This lesson is originally from Miriam Paternoster's fantastic art lesson website: Arteascuola. 
Follow the link for a description of this lesson and be sure to look around there for more great art lessons!

By students of grade 4

vrijdag 29 april 2016

Birdies on a branch

Made by a student of grade 1

You need:
  1. liquid water color paint
  2. brushes
  3. crayons
  4. white sheet
  5. feathers
  6. glue
Draw a branch with some birdies on it. Their eyes should be big and white! Color the birds with crayons using bright colors. Paint the branch and background with water color paint. Let dry. Draw feet and paste feathers. 

maandag 11 april 2016

Funny houses like James Rizzi

Made by Kalen, grade 4

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet
  2. crayons 
  3. liquid watercolor paint
  4. brushes
  5. jars with water 
James Rizzi was born in 1950 in Brooklyn. He studied art in Florida, where he started experimenting with printing, painting and sculpting. Rizzi’s work often shows his birthplace New York. His paintings look sometimes childishly naive, with the bright colors and brilliant gaiety. In the art press Rizzi is often described as "Urban Primitive Artist '. Rizzi himself says he is influenced by Picasso, Klee and Dubuffet.

Made bij Jade, grade 4

Show some paintings of Rizzi and discuss the characteristics:
  • bright colours
  • no gradations within colours
  • evertything is outlined with black
  • houses have human faces/characteristics
  • the artwork is full and busy
  • background is full too
Students use a dark color crayon to draw a house in Rizzi style, a house with human characteristics like hair, mouth, eyes etc. 
Paint with liquid water color paint.

vrijdag 8 april 2016

The sky is the limit

Golden Gate Bridge, made by Elize, grade 6

You need:
  1. grey paper A4 size
  2. white and black pencils
  3. pictures of famous skylines
During a visit to the Museum in The Hague, I saw an artwork that Escher had made on gray paper. The only colours he had used were black and white. Together with the gray, you do have a lot of colours at your disposal. The Escher drawing I saw then, was the inspiration for this lesson.

Show photos of some famous skylines. Discuss skylines, skyscrapers and remarkable buildings. Ask children to search a skyline on the internet. Print this in black and white and then copy it so you can see the shadows of the buildings (settings light - dark on copyer). Students draw with just white and black pencil on the grey sheet.

Sydney skyline by Adnan, grade 6

vrijdag 11 maart 2016

Printing African animals

You need:
  1. styrofoam
  2. pencil
  3. block printing ink
  4. paint roller
  5. flat piece of plexiglass
  6. coloured paper
Explain the principle of printing. Why is it that people started to print texts and pictures?

Draw an African animal with a pencil on the styrofoam. Press to get a print in the foam. Squeeze out “toothpaste” amount of ink on plexiglass. Roll ink out. The ink is ready when lines appear. Ink should look wet.
Put the styrofoam on a newspaper. Roll one colour ink onto the foam, working quickly to cover all areas. Lay a sheet on top of foam and press with a flat hand. Take away the sheet and your print is ready. Let dry and cut it with about 1 cm around. Paste one or more prints on a white sheet. 

All artworks made by students of grade 6

maandag 7 maart 2016

Bogolan - African mudcloths

Made by two students of grade 6

You need:

  1. black construction paper
  2. tempera paint in brown, white and gold
  3. brushes
Bogolan means: made from mud. A bogolan is a handmade Malian cotton fabric traditionally dyed with mud. It has an important place in traditional Malian culture. The cloths is nowadays being exported wordwide for use in fashion, fine art and decoration. 

Show this educational movie about bogolans. After this, show some pictures of bogolans and discuss colours, patterns and symbols. 

Students have to word in pairs this lesson. Two students get their own black sheet, but have to make one bogolan together - the sheets will be stuck together when finished. So they have to come to agreeements about colours, patterns and symbols. 

woensdag 27 januari 2016

Valentine - like Robert Indiana

Made by a student of grade 2

You need:
  1. drawing sheet 20 by 20 cm
  2. water colour paint
  3. brushes
  4. fine black marker
A lesson about the famous LOVE sculpture of Robert Indiana. I used the Dutch word LIEF (meaning Nice, or I like you) 
Fold the sheet in four squares. Draw hearts in each part. Draw fat letters on the foreground. Fill letters and hearts with patterns and paint with water colour paint. Outline with fine black marker. 

Blogwriter in NY!

zondag 12 juli 2015


Made by a student of grade 5
You need:
  • water colour paint
  • drawing sheet 25 x 25 cm
  • brush
  • white crayon
  • jarswith water
Dras six popsicles with a white crayon on a white sheet. Paint them with watercolour paint. Paint the background blue, leaving an edge from about 2 cm white.

maandag 13 april 2015

Still life fruit

Made by a student of grade 4

You need:
  1. acrylic paint 
  2. canvas
  3. brushes
  4. bowl with fruit
Talk about still life paintings and show some artworks from famous still life painters. 
Tell students it's all about composition and colour. 
Place a bowl filled with fruit on a table. Students paint this bowl on their canvas. 

zondag 12 april 2015


Made by a student of grade 3
You need:
  1. veggies
  2. white drawing sheet
  3. liquid watercolour paint
  4. crayons
  5. indian ink
  6. brushes
  7. jar with water
Talk about veggies and why we all have to eat them. Show several veggies.

Use crayons to draw several veggies on your sheet. No overlapping.  Just draw the outlines, don't colour them with crayons.
Colour with liquid watercolour paint. Use two colours to make the paint bleed.
Paint the background dark grey with dilluted indian ink.

zaterdag 13 december 2014

Christmas trees in the snow

By students of grade 2

You need:
  1. large drawing sheets 
  2. liquid watercolour green and red 
  3. oilpastel crayons 
  4. brushes
Draw a wavy line, the ground. Draw several christmas trees. Simple triangles are okay, this lesson is about overlap - not all the trees next to each other. Decorate the trees with balls and garlands and draw presents under the trees. Colour with oil pastels. Use white oilpastel for snowflakes.
Paint with liquid watercolor, the ground has to stay white.

donderdag 11 december 2014

Rudolph with his red nose

All credits for this great lesson and a full step by step instruction on ArtVenturous. I made these cute Rudolphs last year with my grade 1 students.

dinsdag 28 oktober 2014

Halloween cat and window

Made by a student of grade 4
You need:
  1. white drawing sheet
  2. liquid water colour paint 
  3. brush
  4. black construction paper 
  5. cutting knife and mat
  6. glue
  7. black marker 
  8. white chalk pastel
  9. carbon paper
  10. pattern
Paint a white sheet with yellow and orange liquid water colour paint. Enlarge the pattern and trace it on the black sheet using carbon paper. Put a cross in the parts that have to been cut. Cut the pattern and paste it on the coloured sheet.
Draw Halloween details with black marker. Use the white chalk pastel for details on the black paper. 


woensdag 3 september 2014

Giraffes can't dance

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet
  2. soft pastel
  3. oilpastel
  4. scissors
  5. glue
Gerald would love to join in with the other animals at the Junge Dance, but everyone knows that giraffes can't dance ... or can they?

This lesson can be used by the book  'Giraffes can't dance' by Giles Andeae and Guy Parker-Rees.

Read the book of Gerald the Giraffe. After this children draw a giraffe that's trying to dance. Colour with oilpastels. Colour a background with soft pastel. Cut the giraffe and paste it on the background.

Made by students of grade 1 and 2. 

zondag 31 augustus 2014

Buzzzzzing bees

Made by a student of grade 2.

You need:
  1. bubblewrap
  2. paint roller
  3. drawing sheet 
  4. yellow and brown tempera 
  5. yellow pencil
  6. fine black marker 
Roll a piece of bubble wrap in with yellow paint and print it. Let dry.
Make fingerprints in brown paint and let dry.
Draw lines with yellow pencil on the body of the bee.
Draw wings and legs with black fine liner.

donderdag 5 juni 2014

Flowers in front of the windows

You need:
  1. coloured construction paper  
  2. tin foil (cut in pieces before lesson starts)
  3. strips of white paper, 2 cm 
  4. black  construction paper 
  5. white drawing sheets 
  6. tempera paint
  7. brushes
  8. scissors
  9. glue 

This lesson is about the flower pots you'll see in spring and summer.
The students get a large piece of oloured construction paper  for the background. Paste the window in the middle of it, with the white strips on it as a inner frame. Cut a pot from black paper. Draw and paint flowers on the white sheet. Cut them after drying with an edge of 1 cm. Paste them in front of the window. Paste the pot on the flowers. Decorate the pot with paint.

Source: Pinterest.

donderdag 15 mei 2014

Johooo a dodo!!

Made by Neil, one of my students, who is very interested in the Mauritian dodo's.
He used markers and colour pencils  for this artwork. Thanks Neil!