woensdag 16 februari 2011

Winter trees glimpse

Made by a student of grade 6

You need:
  1. cardboard in three colours, 15 by 20 cm
  2. ruler
  3. pencil
  4. cutter
  5. cutting mat
  6. double sided foamtape
  7. hook

Draw a rectangle on each sheet of cardboard 2 cm from the edges. Draw wintertrees in these rectangles. The trunk must be on the bottom, the branches must reach the left, right or upper edge. Make sure the three trunks slightly stagger. Cut the parts between the branches/trunk and the frame using a cutter. Use double sided foam tape to paste the three windows together. The lightest colour in the front, the darkest colour on the back.

Attach a hook to the window to hang it.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. I don't ever comment, but I just want you to know that your site has quickly become one of my favourite art blogs! My art students in central Ontario, Canada are recipients of some of your ideas.

    Heel vriendelijk bedankt,


  2. Beautiful! I love this lesson. Simple but very attractive.

  3. I love it too - those trees look so dramatic!

  4. I really enjoy your blog! I've passed along a Stylish Blogger Award to you. Don't feel obligated to participate if you are swamped with work, but I wanted others in my teacher circle to know about you.
