maandag 31 oktober 2011

Printed mushrooms, group work

Group work by students of grade 3

You need:
  1. piece of linoleum 15 x 15 cm
  2. lino knife
  3. block printing ink
  4. flat piece of plexiglass
  5. linoleum roller
  6. white sheets
  7. lino press
  8. autumn leaves
  9. scissors
  10. glue
  11. coloured cardboard
Draw a mushroom on your linoleum. Cut away the linoleum around the mushroom. Remember: what you cut away will not print. It is not important to carve deeply into linoleum, just enough so that carved area is lower than the linoleum surface. Always carve away from your hand, always keep your hand behind the back edge of linoleum. When you want to check your printing block, place a piece of paper on the linoleum and rub over the paper with a crayon. This will create a “rubbing” and will give you an idea of what the final print will look like.
Squeeze out “toothpaste” amount of ink on plexiglass. Roll ink out. The ink is ready when lines appear. Ink should look wet. 
Put your linoleum block on a newspaper. Roll one or two colours ink onto the linoleum printing block, working quickly to cover all areas. Lay the block on a sheet in the printing press and press. Take away the block and your print is ready.

To make a group work, all students have to cut out on of their their prints. Leave a white edge around the mushroom. Ask some students to make a collage of all mushrooms on  a piece of dark coloured cardboard. Paste some autumn leaves on the bottom of the collage.

zondag 23 oktober 2011

Outlined autumn leaves

Made by a student of grade 5
You need:

  1. white drawing sheet A4 size
  2. liquid water colour yellow and red
  3. brush
  4. colour markers
  5. glue
  6. scissors
Paint a wet white sheet with red and yellow liquid water colour. Leave to dry.  Outline some autumn leaves on this sheet, cut them and paste them on a new sheet.
Choose three markers in wamr (autumn) colours and outline the leaves until the sheet is full. Draw the veins with a fine marker.

zaterdag 22 oktober 2011

Blob creatures

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet A4 size
  2. tempera paint
  3. scissors
  4. glue
  5. black marker
  6. black paper for background
Start by folding the white sheet of paper in half and open it up again. Then drop blobs of tempera paint in three different colours somewhere around the middle of your paper. Don't put the paint to close to the edges. Fold the sheet and press by firmly moving hands around. This movement will move the paint around more than just folding.

Open the paper and dry flat.
Look carefully at this creature. Outline the creature with a black marker. Look for typical shapes, like arms, eyes, ears etc. and trace them with a marker. The drawing should be totally symmetrical.

Cut the creature, leaving half cm white around the black lines. Paste it on a coloured background.
Made by students of grade 4

woensdag 19 oktober 2011

Paper batik autumn leaves

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet A4 size
  2. oil pastels
  3. brown tempera
  4. liquid soap
  5. brushes
Step 1
Ask students to bring autumn leaves. Outline some of them on the white sheet and draw veins in them. Colour the leaves and background with oilpastels, press heavily.

Step 2.
Wrinkle the sheet into a ball; make sure the picture is on the inside.

Step 3.
Smooth the paper out.

Step 4.
Use brown tempera with a tiny bit of liquid handsoap, and paint over the entire paper.

Step 5.
Then rinse the paper under cool water. The paint sticks in the little crinkle wrinkles giving it that batik look.

Leave the work to dry and press it flat between two books. Paste or staple it on a coloured background.

donderdag 13 oktober 2011

Burton Morris!!!

Made by a student of grade 6

In February I posted a lesson about Burton Morris. It is a tutorial to make artwork in his style.
Today I was highly surprised when I got an email of the artist himself! Burton Morris wrote me! You'll all understand how excited I was!!!

Dear Jacquelin,

I came across your blog and saw your student's artworks. I am truly touched that you honored my artwork in your teaching lessons and hope it was a success and inspired the children!

I hope to show again in the Netherlands one day and feel free to keep in touch.

Your friend,
Burton Morris

If you want to check it out again, follow this link:

To see his wonderful website:

woensdag 12 oktober 2011

Three owls of clay

Artworks are made by students of grade 5
You need:
  1. clay
  2. two beer coasters stapled together
  3. clay plate
  4. clay knife
In this lesson students will sculpt three massive forms together and then decorate them.
View pictures of owls and talk about the basic shapes: an oval for the body, round eye shapes, conical beak and plumes (note, these are not ears, because they are on the side of the head).

Students make three egg shapes in different sizes. The pointed end is the bottom of the owl. Modell these shapes together. Work out the shapes by attaching wings, beaks, plumes, eyes etc. The wings are made from flattened clay balls. To attach the wings, roughen the bonding side and press the wing firmly on the body.
Do the same with beak and plume using a conical shape. Make eyes by pressing the finger in the head. Apply texture to the wings, the body and around the eyes using a clay knife or little sticks.
Place the work on two stapled beer coasters. Let it dry for a few weeks before baking.

dinsdag 11 oktober 2011

Halloween scene

Made by a student of grade 6
You need:
  1. white drawing sheet A4 size
  2. liquid water colour yellow and orange 
  3. brush
  4. jar with water
  5. black markers
  6. black construction paper for backgroud
  7. glue or stapler
This lesson is about silhouettes. A silhouette is a shadow, you can only see the outside lines. Show  some silhouettes or shapes made with your hands. Show that sometimes the light comes through openings in the silhouette, so it is not just black.
Make the drawing sheet wet and paint it yellow and orange with liquid water colour to suggest a sunset. Draw a horizon line. Draw a house or a tree, and draw Halloween things around. Colour the silhouettes black and let light where it can. Paste or staple the artwork on a black sheet.