Posts tonen met het label crayons. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label crayons. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 15 april 2023

Cherry blossom tree

You need:

  1. drawing sheet
  2. tempera paint in red and white 
  3. crayons
  4. liquid water color paint
  5. brush
  6. broccoli 

Step 1
Draw a tree with crayon.  

Step 2
Paint the background with diluted liquid water color paint and let dry.  

Stap 3
Stamp blossom with pieces of broccoli.  


donderdag 13 april 2023

Tulips; spring is coming!

You need:
  1. a bunch of tulips
  2. vases or glasses
  3. drawing paper A4 size
  4. white crayons
  5. water paint
  6. brushes
  7. jar with water
  8. colored paper for background
  9. glue

What does a tulip look like? What can you tell about the stem and the leaves? What do the petals look like? 
Every group gets a vase with some tulips. Students todraw a horizon line about a third from the bottom. 
Draw tulips with a white crayon. Look carefully at the tulips in the vase. The tulips must overlap.
Colour them with water paint, the white lines will remain. Paint the lawn and the air. Stick the artwork on a colored background.

vrijdag 31 maart 2023

April showers will bring us flowers

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet
  2. water colour paint
  3. ruler
  4. white crayon or oil pastel
  5. paint brush
  6. water
Characteristicly Dutch weather in spring is a weather type with showers, alternated with sunny periods. We call those typical spring showers 'Maartse buien' (March Showers), while English meteorologists speak about 'April showers who bring us flowers'. 

In this lesson children draw spring flowers (tulips, daffodils etc.) during a rain shower.
Sketch some spring flowers on a white sheet. Make sure your lines are extremely thin. Use your ruler to draw white crayon lines with one centimeter between them. Make sure your crayon has a sharp point. Paint your drawing with watercolour paint. Use a lot of water to make bright colours. The crayon will resist the water paint, so your shower will be very clear!

donderdag 15 september 2022

Patchwork landscape

by a student of grade 4
 You need:

  1. white drawing sheets
  2. water color paint
  3. brushes
  4. jar with water
  5. crayons
  1.  Put the sheet in width for you.
  2.  Draw a wavy line on 2/3 of the bottom using a crayon.
  3. Divide this area in 12 of 15 surfaces by drawing 2 horizontal and 3 o4 r vertical lines. 
  4. Draw with a crayon house and trees on the horizon line.
  5. Draw patterns in the surfaces.
  6. Paint the surfaces in differtent colors.  
  7. Paint house, trees and  air. 
With this lesson you can also practice one-point perspective. Place a dot in the middle from the top of the sheet and draw vertical lines towards this dot. 

bij a student of grade 4

woensdag 4 augustus 2021


 You need:

  1. crayons
  2. black construction paper 20 by 20 cm
  3. black paint
  4. brush
  5. toothpick
Color a drawing sheet with crayons. Paint the entire sheet black and let it dry.  Scratch insects with a toothpick. 

 Paste the artwork on a coloured background.

vrijdag 27 november 2020

Scratch a Christmas ball

You need:
  1. drawing sheet
  2. oli pastels or crayons
  3. black tempera paint 
  4. brush
  5. alufoil 
  6. ribbon
  7. toothpick or skewer
Color the sheet with crayons. Paint it over with black tempera paint and let dry. Scratch with a toothpick or skewer a Christmas ball and fill it with patterns. 
Cut a small piece of aluminumfoil and paste it on the ball with a folded ribbon under it. 

made by students of grade 6

Elements of art: line (pattern)

zaterdag 21 november 2020

Winter tree in warm-cool colors

 You need:

  1. drawing sheets 25 x 32,5 cm
  2. crayons
  3. watercolor paint
  4. black tempera 
  5. brushes
  6. jar with water
With crayon: draw a horizonline and a tree trunk from the bottom of the sheet. Draw branches that touch the edges of the sheet. Draw a pattern in the landscape below the horizon. 
With watercolor paint: paint the sky. Paint the surfaces between the branches in warm or cool colors. Paint the surfaces in the landscape: warm if you first chose cool, cool if you first chose warm. 
With tempera: paint the branches and trunk black. 

Elements of art: color (warm and cool), space, line (pattern)

artworks made by students of grade 4

zondag 8 november 2020

Same insect - different colors


made by student of grade 1

You need:
  1. drawing sheets A5 size
  2. crayons
  3. liquid watercolor paint 
  4. brush
Draw two the same insects and color them with crayons: one with cool colors, the other with warm colors. 
Paint the background with dilluted watercolor paint: warm colors for the 'warm' insect, cool colors for the 'cool' insect. 

Element of art: color.

dinsdag 14 februari 2017

Dali's moustache II

Made by a student of grade 1
You need:
  1. colored sheet A4 size
  2. black marker
  3. white sheet A4 size
  4. black crayon
  5. scissors and glue 
  6. pipe cleaner 
More information about Salvador Dalí, see the lesson High legged elephant in the style of Salvador Dali.

Show some surrealistic artworks of Dali and discuss the surrealistic parts of it.  Show The melting clocks. Discuss the shape of the clocks. What happened to these clocks? Are these clocks that you can hang on the wall? Why not? Why do we call this surreal?
Dali's artwork will surprise you. We see realistic parts, complemented with dreams and fantasy.

Dali was an eccentric man. Show som portraits of Dali and look at all those different ways he wears his moustache.

Students write words about surrealism and Dali with a marker on the colored sheet. Then they draw a portrait of him with crayon on a white sheet. Cut it, paste in on the colored sheet. Puncture two holes under the nose and pull the pipe cleaner through. Shape the moustache in a way that Dali would like!

vrijdag 29 april 2016

Birdies on a branch

Made by a student of grade 1

You need:
  1. liquid water color paint
  2. brushes
  3. crayons
  4. white sheet
  5. feathers
  6. glue
Draw a branch with some birdies on it. Their eyes should be big and white! Color the birds with crayons using bright colors. Paint the branch and background with water color paint. Let dry. Draw feet and paste feathers. 

maandag 11 april 2016

Funny houses like James Rizzi

Made by Kalen, grade 4

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet
  2. crayons 
  3. liquid watercolor paint
  4. brushes
  5. jars with water 
James Rizzi was born in 1950 in Brooklyn. He studied art in Florida, where he started experimenting with printing, painting and sculpting. Rizzi’s work often shows his birthplace New York. His paintings look sometimes childishly naive, with the bright colors and brilliant gaiety. In the art press Rizzi is often described as "Urban Primitive Artist '. Rizzi himself says he is influenced by Picasso, Klee and Dubuffet.

Made bij Jade, grade 4

Show some paintings of Rizzi and discuss the characteristics:
  • bright colours
  • no gradations within colours
  • evertything is outlined with black
  • houses have human faces/characteristics
  • the artwork is full and busy
  • background is full too
Students use a dark color crayon to draw a house in Rizzi style, a house with human characteristics like hair, mouth, eyes etc. 
Paint with liquid water color paint.

maandag 7 oktober 2013

Singing in the rain

Artwork made by a student of grade 1
You need:
  1. white drawing sheetA2 size
  2. crayons
  3. liquid watercolour
  4. brush
Students draw a person under an umbrella and colour it in with crayons. Then they draw raindrops with white crayon. Paint the entire drawing with liquid watercolour.

Be sure that:
  • rain falls from top to bottom;)
  • under the umbrella is no rain
  • rain is transparent, so we draw with white on white!
  • rain forms puddles on the ground

dinsdag 1 oktober 2013

One colour city - group work like Alisa Burke

You need:
  1. drawing sheet A1 size
  2. drawing sheets 10 by 20 cm (A4 size cut in three) 
  3. various colouring materials: crayons, oilpastel, colour pencils, watercolour paint, markers, tempera etc. 
  4. fine black marker 
  5. liquid water colour paint 
  6. big brush
  7. scissors
  8. glue
An artwork I came across on Pinterest from Alisa Burke was the inspirations for this lesson. Show Burke's work and discuss it: all houses in the same colour, windows are white, everything is outlined with black marker, houses uizen hebben één kleur, de ramen zijn wit, alles is zwart omrand, the houses aren't just next to each other but behind each other and (overlap). That means you cannot see the bottom of the houses that are not on the first row. 

Students form groups of four and discuss together the colour they'll choose. One of the students paints the background: use white crayon to draw stars or clouds and then paint the entire sheet with with liquid watercolor. Leave about one inch white along the edges.

On the smaller sheets students draw high houses, with windows and doors and decorations. Colour with the material of you choice. Outline the house and windows with black fineliner and cut it out. Be sure the group draw together about 15 houses.
Lay the painted houses on the large sheet to get a beautiful collage. Note that you do not see undersides of the houses that are not in the front row.

Made by students of grade 5/6

zondag 25 augustus 2013

Busy bees

You need:
  1. white crayon
  2. markers
  3. liquid watercolour paint
  4. brush
Fold the sheet of paper in half. Draw on both halves a bee. Colour the body with black and yellow marker. Colour the head black, keeping two white dots for eyes. Draw with black marker six legs and two wings. Use white crayon to draw veins in the wings.
Paint the background and the wings with liquid watercolour while keeping the edges white for about one cm.

Made by students of grade 3/4
Source: Artsonia. 

zaterdag 18 mei 2013

Shout it out, like Andy Warhol

Made by a student of grade 6

You need:
  1. coloured paper 10 by 10 cm, four different colours
  2. crayons
  3. scissors 
  4. glue
Talk about Andy Warhol and his art. Show his artworks and discuss them. What is typical for Warhol?

Draw four identical mouths and colour them with crayons in the same colours as the four sheets. 

donderdag 13 december 2012

Happy new year

Made by students of grade 3 and 4 

You need: 
  1. white drawing sheet A4 size
  2. blue liquid water colour paint 
  3. brush
  4. crayons
  5. black and yellow or orange construction paper
  6. yellow chalk pastel
Show pictures or movies about fireworks and discuss what this looks like. Use crayons to draw fireworks on a white sheet. Paint this with blue liquid water colour paint. Let dry.
Cut a skyline out of half a sheet of black paper. Paste this on the blue sheet. Cut windows from yellow or orange paper.
Draw a yellow chalk line on the roofs and smudge it.   

maandag 25 juni 2012

Sailing into summer

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet A4 size
  2. pencil
  3. water colour paint
  4. crayons
  5. brushes
  6. jar with water
Draw a horizon line on the half of the sheet using a green crayon. Draw above a green wavy line, these art the bushes. Draw with pencil two sail boats in the water. Colour them with crayons in bright colors. Draw clouds in the sky using a white crayon and colour them white. Draw waves with white crayon in the water. Paint the sky, bushes and water using water colour paint with plenty of water.   The crayons will resist the paint so that clouds and waves become visible again.

vrijdag 2 maart 2012

Astronaut in space

Made by a student of grade 3
You need:
  1. black construction paper
  2. white drawing sheets 
  3. water colour paint
  4. brushes
  5. jar with water
  6. crayons
  7. salt
  8. glitter
  9. scissors
  10. glue
  11. picture of yourself
  12. picture of an astronaut
Fold two sheets of drawing paper in half. Paint the four halves with different colours watercolour. Allow the paint to blend together; you may first draw patterns with crayons or use salt for a nice texture. Let both sheets dry.
Cut circles in various sizes from the painted paper. Swap painted paper with someone else if you like to. Create a composition of space on the black sheet. Paste some planets at the edge and cut them, to the endlessness of space even better.
Cut the astronaut and paste a picture of yourself on it. Paste planets and the astronaut. Use glitter or confetti to add stars.

zaterdag 14 januari 2012

A journey through space

You need:
  1. white drawing paper A5 size
  2. crayons
  3. black paint
  4. brush
  5. toothpick
  6. coloured construction paper
As part of a school project about the Dutch astronaut André Kuipers and his space journey, students scratched these drawings.
Colour the entire drawing sheet with crayons. Choose the colours you want, but don't use black or white. Then Paint the entire sheet black and let dry. Scratch a space scene with a toothpick. Paste the artwork on a coloured background.

All artworks are made by students of grade 3

dinsdag 27 december 2011

Snowmen mandala

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet 
  2. compasses
  3. scissors 
  4. crayons or oil pastels 
  5. indian ink
  6. brush
Step 1.
This lesson is a variaton on 'Autumn leaves mandala'. Click the link for full description.
Focus in this lesson: make sure the snowmen are really coloured white with crayons or oil pastels, otherwise they will turn completely black with ink after step 2.

Step 2.
Crumple the picture into a ball. Make flat again. Paint the entire drawing with indian ink. Rinse the ink immediately after it in the sink and let the work dry. The ink will rest in the folds of the paper  and creates a great "antique" effect.