vrijdag 24 juni 2016

A day at the beach

Artworks made by students of grade 5

You need:
  1. drawing sheet A3 size
  2. white drawing sheets
  3. tempera paint
  4. brushes
  5. scissors
  6. markers and/or pencils
  7. glue
  8. pencils
Talk about a day at the beach: things (to do) on the sand, things (to do) in the water and things (to do) in the air. Talk about people standing in the water: they seem to have half legs!

Cover four tables with newspaper and put three containers with paint on it:
  • yellow and a little brown besides (beach) + two big brushes
  • blue and a little green (seawater) + two big brushes
  • blue and white (air) + two big brushes 
  • white (surf) + two brushes to stamp
Show how to paint the beach: a lot of yellow on the brush and a little brown for the beach (do not mix!). Do the same with blue and white for the air, and blue with green for the sea. Make wavy motions with the brush to accentuate the water. Finish with a white stamping brush for the surf.
While four students are painting, the others can start with the drawing part of this lesson: draw people and things you see on the beach. Color with markers or color pencils. Cut those little drawings and paste them on the beach, the water or in the air.

donderdag 16 juni 2016

Oscar the Octopus

You need:
  1. drawing sheet A2 size
  2. oilpastels
  3. liquid watercolor paint
  4. jar with water
  5. brushes
  6. salt
After a story about Oscar the Octopus and viewing some pictures of squids, students draw a squid in the sea. Big head, big eyes at the bottom of the head, eight tentacles that go over and under each other. These things should be seen in the drawing.

Color with oil pastels and draw patterns. Be sure the tentacles are going over and under each other - this has to be seen in the patterns.  Outline when necessary with a dark color.
Drip some liquid water color on the background after you made it wet. Sprinkle salt  for a great 'watery' effect.
All artworks are made by students of grade 3

zondag 5 juni 2016

Japanese notans

Made by a student of grade 6

You need:
  1. white paper 20 by 20 cm
  2. black paper 10 by 10 cm
  3. scissors
  4. glue
  5. cutter and cutting mat
Show pictures of notans  -  there are symmetrical notans, and also non symmetrical. Some notans are abstract, others are figurative.

Discuss the pictures with the students.
What stands out? Is there symmetry in the picture or not? Is the artwork abstract or figurative? Is there harmony in this notan?

Students make their own notan: figurative or abstract. There shouldn't remain any paper!