Posts tonen met het label space. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label space. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 2 maart 2012

Astronaut in space

Made by a student of grade 3
You need:
  1. black construction paper
  2. white drawing sheets 
  3. water colour paint
  4. brushes
  5. jar with water
  6. crayons
  7. salt
  8. glitter
  9. scissors
  10. glue
  11. picture of yourself
  12. picture of an astronaut
Fold two sheets of drawing paper in half. Paint the four halves with different colours watercolour. Allow the paint to blend together; you may first draw patterns with crayons or use salt for a nice texture. Let both sheets dry.
Cut circles in various sizes from the painted paper. Swap painted paper with someone else if you like to. Create a composition of space on the black sheet. Paste some planets at the edge and cut them, to the endlessness of space even better.
Cut the astronaut and paste a picture of yourself on it. Paste planets and the astronaut. Use glitter or confetti to add stars.

zaterdag 28 januari 2012

Pastel planets

You need:
  1. black construction paper A4 size
  2. chalk pastel
  3. hairspray
During our school project about Space, students of grade 5 made these fantasy solar system. Spheres were drawn with attention towards an imaginary light source creating light and dark values. Overlap was required to suggest depth. To suggest the endlessness of the universe, parts of planets had to be drawn at the edge of the sheet.
Draw circles by tracing round subjects or use compasses. Colour with chalk pastel. Note the technique of the chalk: colour, smear and blend until you're satisfied. Fix the artwork with hairspray.

zaterdag 14 januari 2012

A journey through space

You need:
  1. white drawing paper A5 size
  2. crayons
  3. black paint
  4. brush
  5. toothpick
  6. coloured construction paper
As part of a school project about the Dutch astronaut André Kuipers and his space journey, students scratched these drawings.
Colour the entire drawing sheet with crayons. Choose the colours you want, but don't use black or white. Then Paint the entire sheet black and let dry. Scratch a space scene with a toothpick. Paste the artwork on a coloured background.

All artworks are made by students of grade 3