zondag 21 juli 2024

Olympic athletes

You need:
  1. scissors
  2. glue
  3. white drawing paper A1 size
  4. cardboard in Olympic colors
  5. compasses
Start this lesson with the symbol of the Olympics: the colored rings. What do these rings mean? What colors do they have? How are they placed together? Ask one or two children to take the position of an athlete. What is the position of the legs, arms and body? Ask another student to show another position and discuss it again.
This is a group work for five students. Every group gets a big white sheet, five sheets of colored cardboard (colors of the rings: black, yellow, red, blue, green) and at least five copies of the athlete.
Step one: each group member cuts an Olympic ring, using compasses and scissors. Paste this five rings on the big white sheet. Look carefully which ring has to be pasted in front or back, and which ones have to be pasted through each other. Be sure the little cutting line is pasted underneath another ring.

  Step two: Every student takes a copy of the body and cuts every part of it. Then these bodyparts have to be pasted around, in, behind and in front of the Olympic rings.

woensdag 17 juli 2024

Stamping with Mondrian

 reducing the visible world in horizontal and vertical lines and primatr colors.   
Technique: stamping. 

You need:
  1. black cardboard 
  2. sponges cut in different sizes (squares and rectangles) 
  3. tempera paint in red, blue and yellow 
  4. brushes
  5. white crayons 
View these artworks of Mondrian and talk about how he abstracted a tree. 

Also talk about Victory Boogie Woogie, the painting in which you can see part of the map of New York. Tell students we are going to make our own Mondrian map. Discuss the terms primary colors, square, rectangle, vertical and horizontal lines.

Brushes will not be rinsed, but will remain the same color.
Show how to use a brush to rub the sponge with paint. 
Show how to stamp: do not slide the sponge, but lift it off the paper. This way you'll get a tight shape.  
Stamp horizontally or vertically only. 
Do not stamp two of the same colors next to each other. 
Make sure the shapes don't touch each other. You must be able to see the black roads between them. 

When the work had dried, draw stripes on the black roads using a white crayon. 

Elements of art: shape, color, line. 

Artworks are made by students of grade 1/2.