zondag 31 mei 2009
zaterdag 30 mei 2009
Moving around
You need:
- white drawing paper A4 size
- black finepointed markers
- markers in three different colours
- black construction paper for background
Movement, that is what this lesson is about. Give each child a rough leaf. Ask some children in your classroom to show different 'frozen' attitudes: running, cheering, catching a ball, kneeling. The other students draw this postures on their rough leaf. Their character has only to consist of a circle (head) and stripes for arms, torso and legs. The goal of this lesson is not to draw good-looking people, but only the attitude. If these droodles are okay, children fill their sheet with moving people. Again: draw simple figures consisting of a circle and scrawled arms and legs. The figures should not overlap, but there should be as much as possible on the drawing sheet. Allow children to draw first with pencil, and if the figures are good, they go over it with a fineliner.
When the sheet is filled up with moving figures, the spots between the people have to be coloured. Use only three different colours feltpens. The spots may not touch each other, there must even be a white border between the faces. Also around the puppets remain white. Keep a white border of about half a cm free all around the whole work. This will look nice on a black background.
Finally paste the picture on a black sheet of paper.
donderdag 28 mei 2009
A field full of sunflowers
By student of grade 4
You need:
- oil pastel crayons
- coloured ink
- brushes
- white drawing paper A4 size
- green paper for background
woensdag 27 mei 2009
Ocean animals
- white drawing paper A4 format
- blue markers
- coloured paper for background
After a class discussion about animals in the ocean (and there are much more than just fish!), children draw an animal of their choice. The animal is drawn largely and has to be kept white (of course there may be in eyes etc.). After this the background has to be filled with lines in different patterns. Use only blue feltpens or markers, to support the ocean effect.
dinsdag 26 mei 2009
Cow's day

You need:
- white drawing sheet A3 size
- construction paper for background
- tempera paint or oilpastels
maandag 25 mei 2009
It's me in the mirror
You need:
- digital photo camera
- white drawing sheets
- coloured pencils
- photograph of back of the head, shoulders and stretching arm
- aluminium foil
- big mirror on the wall
- some hand mirrors
- scissors and glue
If you want to see the back of yourself, you'll need two mirrors. By using a hand mirror you can see the back of your head back in a mirror on the wall.
We're going to practice with the mirrors. Children look at their own backs with two mirrors and will discover they nevertheless can see their front also!
All children get two printed photographs of themselves: one with the back of the head/shoulders/stretched hand with handmirror, and one photograph of their face. The 'back'photo has to be used to copy. Draw yourself at the left of the sheet. Copy the stretched hand as well as you can. After this they draw the background: the bathroom or maybe the bedroom. The hand mirror has to be drawn bigger, because the photograph has to fit!
Aluminium foil has to be glued on the handmirror (shining side up). Cut out the photograph of the face, and glue this on the foil.
zaterdag 23 mei 2009
Printing with you hands
- black tempera
- glass plate
- paint roller
- sheets A4 size in different colours
- glue and scissors
vrijdag 22 mei 2009
Wooden landscape

- piece of plywood 15 by 15 cm
- coping saw
- coloured paper
- tempera
- brushes
- gold marker
Newspaper city
By students from 10-11 years old
You need:- white drawing sheets A4 size
- tempera paint
- newspapers
- scissors and glue
- brushes
- black paper for background
Paint a blue or grey blue sky on a white sheet with clouds in it. Use different colours of blue and grey. Cut some typical city center buildings in various forms out of newspaper. Paste them on a white sheet. In front of the high buildings we see smaller ones (overlap). Outline the buildings with black tempera paint. Paint windows and doors. Paint the sides black; think carefully about which side is really visible. Hang all artworks together to create a long street.
You need:
- wallpaper paste
- newspaper strips
- toilet paper or paper towels
- magazines

donderdag 21 mei 2009
Strange birds
- white drawing sheet A4 size
- tempera paint
- brushes
- construction paper for background
Spring bulbs
You need:
- spring bulbs or pictures of them
- white drawing paper A4 size
- crayons
- wash bowl with water
- liquid watercolour
- brushes
- newspapers
- coloured paper for background
Distorting mirror
You need:
- white drawing paper A4 size
- colour pencils
- ruler
The constant height is very important in this drawing. If children draw themself in front of a disorting mirror, all limbs have to be on the same height as in the usual mirror. The thin figure should not be longer, and the fat one should not be shorter than the middle drawing.
woensdag 20 mei 2009
Portraits of the past
You need:
- white drawing paper A4 size
- instant coffee
- saucers
- brushes
- jars with water
- paper towels
- gold markers
- brown construction paper
- glue
- scissors

Blouse of clay
- clay
- clay tools
- clay boards
dinsdag 19 mei 2009
Self portrait like Modigliani
View with the children a number of paintings by Modigliani and discuss the salient features:
- faces are elongated
- faces are often skewed
- use of warm colours
- the shapes are outlined in black
- black constructionpaper A4 size
- oil pastels
- coloured paper for background
After sketching the pencil lines have to be traced with with black oil pastel. Then everything has to be coloured. Watch the black lines: do not touch them with a different colour, it will get messy! Do the colouring carefully, especially in smaller components like eyes and mouth. If a lighter crayon spots black, clean it in a paper towel. Colour the background until you don't see any black. Paste the work on a matching background.
zondag 17 mei 2009
Just like James Rizzi
James Rizzi was born in 1950 in Brooklyn. He studied art in Florida (Gainesville), where he started experimenting with printing, painting and sculpting. Rizzi’s work often shows his birthplace New York. His paintings look sometimes childishly naive, with the bright colours and brilliant gaiety. In the art press Rizzi is often described as "Urban Primitive Artist '. Rizzi himself says he is influenced by Picasso, Klee and Dubuffet.
Show some paintings of Rizzi and discuss the characteristics:
- bright colours
- no gradations within colours
- evertything is outlined with a black marker
- houses have human faces/characteristics
- the artwork is full and busy
- background is full too
- white drawing sheets A4 size cut lengthwise
- markers
- scissors and glue
- blue cardboard A1 size for background
Colour the house with bright colour markers. Outline the details with black fine marker. Cut the house and outline it with a black marker. Draw things in the air: stars, a moon, globe, hot air balloon, ufo's etc. Look carefully at Rizzi's paintings to discover what he has made.
To make a group work, every student has to draw one house at least. Make a composition of all those houses and paste them on blue cardboard. Start pasting with the second row of houses, so the first row can be pasted overlapping the second one. Be sure you don't paste two houses with the same colours next to eachother.
Paste the stars and ufo's on the background.