maandag 13 juni 2011

Connected shells

Warm colours, made by Emmy, grade 6

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet 20 by 20 cm
  2. colour markers
  3. fine black marker
  4. pencil
Draw a few lines on the sheet to divide the paper into sections. Draw several shells on those lines. Be sure the shells touch eachother. Trace the shells with a fine permanent black marker. Colour the sections between the shells with colour markers in warm or cool colours.
    Cool colours, made by Bjorn grade 5

zondag 29 mei 2011

Sailboat regatta

You need:
  1. two sheets of white drawing paper
  2. sandpaper
  3. tempera paint in blue, green and white
  4. brush
  5. coloured paper
  6. brown paper (grocery bag)
  7. glue
  8. blue paper A1 size
Spray paint stripes in blue, green and white on a saucer. Lay a sheet of white drawing paper before you, with the small size up. Paint it with coloured waves. Don't mix the colours on the saucer, but dip the brush in two or three colours. Leave the sheet to dry.
Take the second white sheet and lay it before you with the small side up. Cut a piece of sandpaper as wide as the sheet and 8 cm high. Paste the sandpaper on the bottom of the sheet.
Tear the painted sheet in wavy strips. Tear the straight sides of the first and last strip too, so that all strips have two wavy sides. 
Place the strips overlapping on the white sheet. Start below. Place the second strip partly under the first one, the third under the second etc. Paste down the short sides of the waves on the left and right.
Cut boats out of a brown paper bag; bigger ones below, smaller ones at the top (perspective). Cut masts out of the paper bag and sails out of coloured paper. Paste the boats between the waves and paste the long sides of the waves at the same time. Paste sails and masts on the boats.  
Paste or staple all works together on large blue sheets (A1 size) to create a beautiful group work.

Artworks made by students of grade 4

maandag 23 mei 2011

Filled with fruit

Made by a student of grade 3

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet A4 size
  2. oil pastels
Choose four fruits and draw many of them on the drawing sheet. The fruit should overlap. Colour them with oil pastels and outline with black.

dinsdag 17 mei 2011

Wavy weaving

Made by students of grade 3

You need:
  1. paper strips in two colours, 4 x about 50 cm
  2. black cardbaord
  3. scissors
  4. glue
  5. printed grid of 5 by 5 squares, each square is 4 by 4 cm

1. Give all students the printed grid. Cut it along the outside and paste it on black cardboard.

2. Cut 10 stripes in two colours, 4 x 50 cm. Fold the ends of the strips about one cm.

3. Paste the fold edges exactly along the lines of the squares. Use two different colours alternately. Paste the arcs from bottom to top and from left to right, alternately. Cut a piece of the strip if it's too long. You may paste small squares to the ends of the rows as a finishing touch.
5. Press the strips gently and your weaving will look great!

vrijdag 13 mei 2011


Made by Debbie, grade 6
You need:
  1. drawing sheet A4 size
  2. colour pencils
  3. ruler
A lesson about drawing one point perspective.

Students draw a square in the middle of their sheet and draw four lines from the corners to the middle, see schedule. These are the floor and ceiling lines. Draw two lines from both short sides to the middle. Between these two lines the paintings has to be drawn. Draw lines from the bottom to the middle for tiles or parquet.
It's nice to draw artworks that students have made this schoolyear or to choose for artworks of famous painters.
Colour with colour pencils.

zaterdag 7 mei 2011

Puzzle drawing

Made by students of grade 5
You need:
  1. white drawing sheet A4 size
  2. markers
  3. black construction paper
  4. glue
Students draw organic shapes on a white sheet and colour them with markers. Then all shapes have to be cut out and pasted with a little space between them on a piece of black construction paper. Be sure to lay down the cut pieces directly on the right place, to avoid hours of puzzling!

donderdag 5 mei 2011

Three spring flowers, three materials

Made by students of grade 3

You need:
  1. three white drawing sheets 10 by 10 cm
  2. coloured origami sheets 12 by 12 cm
  3. coloured cardboard 14 by 38 cm
  4. tempera paint
  5. brushes
  6. crayons
  7. colour pencils
  8. tulips, daffodils, bluebonnets or pictures of them
  9. glue
Students scetch three different spring flowers on three sheets of 10 by 10 cm: bluebonnet, tulip and daffodil. Colour the flowers with three different materials: crayons, tempera paint and colour pencils. Paste the drawings on coloured origami sheets and paste them then on coloured cardboard.

maandag 2 mei 2011

Painting while listening to classical music

By Marrit (gr. 6, right part) and Luuk (gr. 1, left part)
You need: 
  1.  cd's with classical music
  2. cd-players
  3. drawing sheet A2 size
  4. brushes
  5. tempera paint
  6. jar with water
During a school project about music, students of grade 1 and 6 painted together while listening to classical music. We had five classrooms to work in. In every classroom was a cd-player with classical music: Bolero of Ravel, Four Seasons of Vivaldi, the Carneval of the Animals of Camille Saint-Saëns and two more. On the tables big sheets, paint and brushes.

Every first grader came to the sixth graders and asked a student to work with. Each pair was sent to a classroom where they listened to a piece of classical music. By talking together, 'What do you think of while hearing this?' 'What do you feel?' students had to make a painting. One student on the right side, the other on the left side of the sheet. It wasn't nesessary to make one painting, but they might do it. I was all about interpretation of the music.
Marrit (left, grade 6) and Luuk (grade 1) working together on their fishbowls

Students made great artworks together. Some worked together to make one painting, like the one above: two fishbowls, painted while listening to the Four Seasons - Spring of Vivaldi. It is clear the right bowl is painted by the grade 6 student. Other couples chose to paint tow different interpretations, as you can see below.
A great project, worth to give it a try!

donderdag 28 april 2011

Printed birds

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet A4 size
  2. two potatoes, middle and small size
  3. knife
  4. sauzer
  5. tempera paint
  6. piece of corrugated box cardboard  
  7. paper towel
  8. fine black marker
  9. brush
  10. watercolour paint
In 'The Usborne Complete Book of Art Ideas' I found this great lesson.
Place a paper towel on a saucer and spray a stripe of brown paint on it. Use the side of a piece of corrugated cardboard of about 7 cm to stamp branches.
Cut the medium potato in half and cut this half again. Stamp the bodies of the birds using red tempera.
Cut the half potato in two pieces. Use the quarter to stamp the tails.
Cut the small potato in half and stamp the faces of the birds.
Clean this half potato with a tissue and cut it in two. Stamp the wings.
Paint beaks, eyes and legs. Leave the work to dry. Paint the background with watercolour paint. Outline the birds with a fine black marker.
To make spring art work, you can add leaves by stamping them, cutting them out of green paper, using real dried leaves or .....use Paint shop pro, like I did!

maandag 25 april 2011

Fantastic felines like Laurel Burch

You need:
  1. pink or purple constrution paper A3 size
  2. oilpastels
  3. tempera paint
  4. brushes
  5. gold and silver markers
  6. glitter
  7. glue

Laurel Burch (1945 –  2007) was an American artist, designer and businesswoman. As a 20-year-old single mother she found metal in junkyards to hammer into jewelry to support her two children, and went on to launch her business, now called Laurel Burch Artworks, in the late 1960s with the help of a small staff that worked out of her house. She began making paintings and was commissioned by restaurants, businesses and private collectors. Burch designed, among other things, beads, jewelry, paintings, T-shirts, scarves, coffee mugs and tote bags, but 90% of her designs derived from her original paintings.

Especially Burch's cats are recognizable. Few some of her paintings on the website of Laurel Burch and discuss the salient features: bright colours, bold pattersn, eyes and nose are drawn out of one line. use of silver and gold.
Students draw a cat on purple or pink paper in the style of Laurel Burch. Colour the cat using different materials like tempera, oilpastels, gold and silver markers. Outline the cat with silver or gold. Draw a frame around the artwork. Use glitter to accentuate lines.

All artworks are made by students of grade 5


donderdag 21 april 2011

Easter eggs with lines

You need:
  1. cardboard egg shape 10 cm high
  2. pencil
  3. white drawing sheet
  4. several colour materials, like markers, colour pencils, crayons, chalk pastel 
  5. coloured paper 20 by 14 cm
  6. gekleurd papier 14 cm hoog, 20 cm breed
  7. glue
  8. scissors
  9. fine black marker 
What kind of lines do we know? Let students draw them on the blackboard: straight - horizontal, vertical, diagonal; angular, like zig-zag and curved lines.
Students have to make four Easter eggs. Ouline the template with a pencil. Draw straight lines in the first egg, curved lines in the second one and zig-zag lines in the third one. The fourth egg may is made with lines of their own choice. Trace the lines with a fine black marker. Colour them with four different materials: colour pencils, markers, chalk pastel and crayons. Cut the eggs and paste them on a coloured sheet.

Made by students of grade 3

woensdag 20 april 2011

Origami tulips

You need:
  1. origami sheets 10 by 10 cm
  2. strip of green cardboard
  3. scraps of green paper
  4. scissors
  5. glue
Fold the sheet twice, open and turn around.

Fold two diagonal lines and open it.
Fold the sheet double at a straight fold,
push the ends inward and push it flat.

It is a double square now.

Fold one point down.

Fold two points to the side.

Fold four tulips in different colours. Paste them on a piece of cardboard. Cut stems and leaves and paste them.

zondag 17 april 2011

Charming chicken

Made by a student of grade 5

You need:
  1. blue and yellow construction paper A4 size
  2. oil pastels
  3. glue
Draw a chicken on blue construction paper, using the tutorial on How to draw a chicken. Make it a charming chicken by colouring it in bright colours. Mix colours to create smooth transitions. Draw a horizon line and colour the ground. Draw somethin on the horizon line, Teken een horizonlijn en kleur de grond. Teken iets op de horizonlijn, for example a fence or a farm. 
Tear the edges of the blue sheet away and paste the chicken on a yellow undersheet. Draw eggs around it.

Made by students of grade 6

dinsdag 12 april 2011

Printed tulips

You need:
  1. cardboard of a box
  2. scissors
  3. block printing ink
  4. flat piece of glass
  5. linoleum roller
  6. white or coloured sheets A4 size
Draw two or three tulips in different sizes on a cardboard box. Cut them. Shake the bottle of blockprint carefully to be sure oil will mix with the rest. Drip some paint on the glass and roll it out with the lino roller. Roll the paint on the tulips and press them on a white or coloured sheet, using a book. Remove the tulips of the sheet and roll them again. Add white to the colour on the glass for a lighter colour. Place the tulips tulips partly overlapping the first, and press again with a book.

zondag 10 april 2011

Red white and blue - Like Jean Dubuffet

You need:
  1. drawing sheet A4 size
  2. pencil
  3. thick markers in red, blue and black
  4. fine markers in red, blue and black
Jean Dubuffet (France, 1901-1985) was a French painter and sculptor. He was very interested in drawings of children and mentally disabled. He called those drawings Art Brut (raw art):art produced by non-professionals working outside aesthetic norms, such as art by psychiatric patients, prisoners, and children. Dubuffet sought to create an art as free from intellectual concerns as Art Brut, and his work often appears primitive and child-like.
Many of Dubuffet's works are painted in oil paint, thickened by materials such as sand and straw, giving the work an unusually textured surface. During the early 1960s, Dubuffet produced a series of paintings in which he limited himself to the colours red, white, black, and blue. Those works resemble jigsaw puzzles, such as Nunc Stans (Guggenheim Museum, New York), in which tiny, obscure, closely spaced figures and faces dominate.
Towards the end of the 1960s he turned increasingly to sculpture, producing works in polystyrene which he then painted with vinyl colour paint.

Look at artwork of Dubuffet, especially Allées et venues. Discuss the salient features: colours (mostly red, blue, white, black), recognizable and unrecognizable shapes, curved lines, hatched areas and the whole sheet is full.
Doodling wavy lines
Students fill their sheet with wavy crossing lines, using a pencil. Then they search human or animal figures in those lines. Trace these figures with a black marker. Colour the patches of these figures in red, blue, hatched red and hatched blue. Leave some patches white. Outline the figures with a wide black marker. Trace de remaining lines between the figures with a fine black marker.
Made by a student of grade 6

vrijdag 8 april 2011

Scenes from a fairy tale

Hansel and Gretel, made by students of grade 6
You need:
  1. piece of linoleum of 15 by 15 cm
  2. drawing sheets A4 size
  3. lino knives
  4. block printing ink
  5. flat piece of glass
  6. linoleum roller
  7. lino press
  8. white paper A2 size
  9. scissors
  10. glue
I got the idea for this lesson from Artlessons from Belgium. This is a group assignment for four students.
Every group of students chooses a fairytale that has to be represented in images. They discuss the most important parts and each students cuts one scene out of linoleum. After printing the scenes, they paste them in the right order to create a fairytale cartoon. Use letter stamps to print the name of the story above.

I chose to let all students print their part of the fairytale four times. The best print is for yourself. Each student gets one print of the other three group members, so every student has his own cartoon.

The princess on the pea

woensdag 6 april 2011

The emperor's new clothes

The Emperor's underwear, by students of grade 3

You need:
  1. drawing sheet A4 size
  2. colour pencils
The Emperor's New Clothes is a fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen, first published in 1837 in Andersen's Fairy Tales Told for Children.

The story is about an emperor, who cares for nothing but his appearance and attire, hires two tailors who promise him the finest suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or 'just hopelessly stupid'. The emperor cannot see the cloth himself, but pretends that he can for fear of appearing unfit for his position. When the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him. Then the emperor marches in procession before his people. A child in the crowd calls out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all and the cry is taken up by others. The emperor cringes, suspecting the assertion is true, but holds himself up proudly and continues the procession.

Read the fairytale. Tell students they have to draw the emperor. The emporor , who is recognizable by his crown, is almost nude. The only cloth he wears is beautiful underwear. Colour the drawing with colour pencils.  

maandag 4 april 2011

Chicken on a stick

You need:
  1. cardboard box
  2. tempera paint
  3. brush
  4. coloured paper
  5. wooden skewer
  6. scissors
  7. glue
Draw a chicken on cardboard. Cut it. Paint the chicken and colour the beak. Cut two wings out of cardboard and cover them with coloured paper. Paste the wings with double sided tape on the chicken to make them look 3D. Cut a comb and wattle out of coloured paper and paste them on the chicken. Use a marker to draw an eye.
Cut three pieces cardboard of 8 by 5 cm and stick them together. Paste coloured paper around it. Insert a skewer into the stand and plug the other end in the chicken.

zaterdag 2 april 2011

Fairy tale comic

Hansel and Gretel

You need:
  1. white drawing sheet A5 size
  2. pencil
  3. markers or colour pencils
  4. fine black marker
The goal for this lesson is to convert a famous fairy tale into a comic. Students may draw only four pictures, so they should think very carefully about the most important scenes in the story. The story should be obvious from just those four pictures!

Divide the sheet into four sections. Draw four scenes and use speech bubbles if you want to. Colour the drawings with markers or colour pencils. Outline them with a fine black marker. You can choose to colour the drawings completely, but also a black and white strip with a single accent colour is nice.

All artworks are made by students of grade 6