- white drawing sheet A4 format
- tissue paper in autumn colours
- brush
- jar with water
- white crayons
dinsdag 29 september 2009
Autumn leaves with tissue paper
maandag 28 september 2009
Beautiful anemones
- white drawing sheet A4 size
- tissue paper in different colours
- brush
- can with water
With tissue paper you can make beautiful flowers without painting! In this lesson I chose anemones, but any flower will work. To make an anemone, fold a tissue paper three times until you have a rectangle. This rectangle has six lows now. Cut two petals out of this rectangle; this makes twelve petals totally. Six petals make one anemone. Cut petals from different colours tissue paper. Cut small and bigger ones. Take the white sheet and wet the place for the first flower with a brush. Put the petals one by one around an imaginary white circle (this is for the heart of the flower) on the wet spot. The petals will tighten themselves on the wet drawing sheet. Stich all petals this way. Overlap is allowed, working on the edge too. Cut little circles (flowerhearts) out of black tissue paper and stick them with water. The tissue paper has started 'bleeding' yet. The brighter the colour of tissue paper, the better it bleeds. Light colors bleed less. The colours of the tissue paper will blend together. If all is well, you'll see rays from the black heart into the petals. If not, wet the flowers again with a brush and water. Be careful, petals might shuffle. Let the artwork dry a little. When it's still moist a bit, pull of all petals. Your beautiful anemones are ready!
zondag 27 september 2009
Landscape of tissue paper
- tissue paper in several colours
- wallpaper glue, made with extra water
- glue brushes
- white drawing paper A4 size
Students are going to make a landscape out of tissue paper. They may just tear the sheets, so no scissors! The landscapes have to be constructed from behind, so the front sheets have to be glued at last. While doing it this way, colours can be glued overlapping, which gives more tints. Explain the students to use white tissue paper to make colours lighter. The glaciers on the mountains in the example are created by not glueing the white tissue paper entirely. Dry parts will stay white, wet parts take over the colour that's underneath.
zaterdag 26 september 2009
Mothers finest

- coloured paper A4 size
- scissors
- glue
- leftovers coloured paper
- leftovers yarn, wire, pipe cleaner
- buttons, feathers etc..
- leftovers of cotton
Traditionally, people love to decorate themselves. With what do people decorate themselves? Is this the same in all countries? What kind of decorations can you mention? Discuss decorations and write different kinds of decorations on the blackboard.
Each student gets two coloured sheets of paper; one for the background and one for the face. Fold the sheet for the face lengthwise and draw half a face against the fold. Don't forget the ears! Cut the face and glue it on a background, letting a bit space between face and background. uit en plak het op de achtergrond met een beetje ruimte eronder. So don't glue it flatly. Cut eyes, nose and mouth out of leftover paper and glue them on the face. Decorate the face with different materials. Thing of earrings, glasses, hair, make-up, chain, necktie etc.
(Photographs: Willem Wienholts)
Autumn trees near the water
- light blue drawing paper A4 size
- oilpastel crayons
- tempera in autumn colours
- brushes
Fold the paper in half. Above the fold is the country, below the fold is the water. Students draw with oilpastels some trees without leaves in the grass. Those trees have to be coloured firmly. Below the fold is the reflection of the trees in the water. The trees have to be drawn again, but mucht less thick coloured.
When the trees are ready, students get a plate with five colours of tempera: yellow, orange, red, brown and green. leaves have to be made by tamponning with the brushes. Tell your students to tampon with two or more colours at the same time, so don't mix up the colours.
When the leaves are ready and the paint is still wet, fold the paper again. There is now a lighter print of the foliage at the bottom of the sheet: the reflection in the water. The branches of the tree will now be visible again, because part of the paint is now on the bottom of the sheet.
donderdag 24 september 2009
Leave collection
You need:
- white drawing sheet A4 size
- tempera and brushes
- metallic pens and fine markers in several colours
Children make a composition of autumn leaves, considering variation between large and small leaves and different leaf shapes. The leaves may overlap eachother. To print the leaves, cover the bottoms with undiluted tempera in fall colours. Press the leaves with a book. If you want to make a print over another printed leave (overlap), you have to wait until the former print has dried. This won't take long , because the veins will give just thin prints.
When all prints are ready, the leave collection has to be complemented with drawn leaves. Use fine colour markers, including metallic. Draw the veins close together. Paste the work on a coloured background sheet.
maandag 21 september 2009
A spider and his web
You need:
- white drawing sheet A4 size cut lengthwise
- crayons
- water paint
- brushes
- jar with water
- black finepointed marker or white pencil
- coloured paper
zondag 20 september 2009
Cats like Rosina Wachtmeister

- she uses silver in every paiting
- faces are divided into colour patches
- she uses often warm colours
- backgrounds are decorated cheerfully
- figures are outlined with black or coloured lines
- eyes are very expressive because of those (black or coloured) lines
- white drawing paper A3 size
- tempera in different colours, including silver
- brushes
- newspapers
- jars with water
- tissues to clean and dry the brushes
zaterdag 19 september 2009
Deep in the ocean
- white drawing paper A4 size
- watercolour paint
- brushes
- white crayons
- salt
There is more then fish in the ocean! Make a wordtree with the students with various ocean animals, except fish! Show photos of ocean animals and discuss them.
Students draw an ocean animal using a white crayon on a white sheet. Details should also be drawn with the crayon. The animals have to be painted with watercolour paint and a small brush. You may touch de lines, but do not cross them. When ready, paint the background with a large brush, watercolour paint and lots of water. Try different colors blue or green (by adding water) and make sure they mix up a bit - wet on wet technique. Sprinkle salt on the background while it is still wet. The salt will absorb water and it gives a nice effect. When the drawing is completely dry, you can wipe the salt with a clean hand.
dinsdag 15 september 2009
Hot air balloons
- white drawing paper A4 size
- markers
- fineliner
- watercolour paint
- brushes
- coloured paper for background
- scissors and glue
- yarn
Students paint their white sheet light blue with watercolour paint, using lots of water. When the sheets are drying, balloons have to be drawn and coloured on another sheet: a big one, a midsize and one or two small ones. After this students have to draw some baskets, with silhouettes of people (use a black fineliner!). Cut the balloons and the baskets.
Paste the painted blue sheet on a background paper. Make a composition of the balloons with one or two overlaps. Use the frame too. Paste balloons and baskets, but do not paste the people. Just bow them a bit, as if they're looking over the edge of the baskets. Glue small pieces of yarn between balloons and baskets. Eventually clouds can be made out of cottonwool.
This is also a nice assignment for the whole class or a group of children.
Delfts blue plates
- white paper plates without plastic coating
- feltpens, fineliners of markers in different colours blue
- examples from Delfts blue decoration
Delftware, or Delft pottery, denotes blue and white pottery made in and around the city of Delft (Netherlands) from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Delftware became popular and was widely exported in Europe and even reached China and Japan. Chinese and Japanese potters made porcelain versions of Delftware for export to Europe. Delftware ranged from simple household items - with little or no decoration - to fancy artwork. Most of the Delft factories made sets of jars, the kast-stel set. Pictorial plates were made in abundance, illustrated with religious motifs, native Dutch scenes with windmilles and fishing boats, hunting scenes, landscapes and seascapes.
Nowadays there is still one factory in Delft that produces real Delftware: De Porceleyne Fles. All plates, vases, bowls, teacups, tiles etc. are painted by hand here. You'll find a lot of photograps on the website of Porceleyne Fles (online shop). See some of these photographs with the students and discuss what decorations they see. Discuss the different colours of blue and look how you can make a good illustration by just using blue. Show the students some plates with different edges and make them tell about the recurring motifs
What to do? Students will design their own Delfts blue plate with a regular pattern around the plate and a free drawing in the middle. They have to use markers, feltpens and fineliners in different shades of blue. First practice a bit on the back side of the plate to see how the ink will flow. The edge of the plate has notches. Count them to know how many notches your pattern must have.
zondag 13 september 2009
- brown construction paper A4 format
- pastel crayons
- hairspray
- wood glue
Sketch with a pencil a simple desert landscape with little details. Cover the lines with wood glue. Try this first on a another sheet. Wait until the glue is dry; it has to be transparant instead of white. Colour your drawing with pastel crayons. Use different colours together and make sure you blend them with your fingers. Fix your drawing with hairspray.
Lines in motion
You need:
- white drawing sheets A4 format
- grey pencil
- black fineliner
- coloured markers
A lesson to experience how lines can accentuate a movement. Draw with a pencil four or five figures in motion on the paper. Make them simple, just out of lines and circles. Watch movements with the students by asking one of them to show some movements. Look especially to the limbs. Trace the figures with a black fineliner, leaving the inside of the circles white. Draw lines around the figures with markers in two colours. Try this first on a piece of paper to see how the two colours flow together when reaching eachother. The lines will become more and more smooth, accentuating the motion from the figures. I chose two colours close to eachother. Less spectacular, but less messy also!
vrijdag 11 september 2009
Birthday calendar, like Wayne Thiebaud
You need:
- white sheets A4 format
- colour pencils
dinsdag 8 september 2009
The spirit in the bottle
You need:
- white drawing paper A4 size
- black construction paper A 4 size
- watercolour paint
- brushes
- salt
- scissors and glue
- oilpastel crayons
The Spirit in the Bottle is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm.
The fairy tale, shortly: A woodcutter saved his money and sent his son to school, but before his son's studies were complete, his money ran out. The son insisted on borrowing an axe from a neighbor and coming to help his father in the woods. When his father rested, he walked about and discovered a bottle with a voice coming from it. He opened it, and a spirit sprang out and declared it would break his neck. The son said first he had to see that the spirit really came out of the bottle; the spirit went back in to show him, and the son stopped it up again. The spirit pleaded with him and offered to make him rich. The son decided it was worth the risk and opened it. The spirit gave him a plaster that would cure all wounds and a stick that would turn iron to silver. The son tried the plaster by cutting a tree and using it, and it worked. He turned the axe to silver, and it bent on a tree. He persuaded his father to come home with him, because he did not know the way, and sold the silver for far more money than was needed to repay the neighbor for the axe. He went back to his studies, and with the plaster became a famous doctor.
(From http://www.wikipedia.org/) You'll find the he full story at http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/authors/grimms/99spiritinbottle.html
Paint the white sheet with blue and green watercolour paint, using lots of water. Make sure the different colours mix up. Sprinkle salt on the background while it is still wet. The salt will absorb water and it gives a nice effect. When the painting is completely dry, wipe the salt with a clean hand. Cut a circle out of white paper and paint it yellow/ocher with watercolour paint. Let dry. Draw a spirit at the back of the sheet and cut it. Draw a face on it. Take a black sheet and draw a bottle with white oilpastel. Draw blades of grass at the bottom of the sheet around the bottle. Paste the spirit and the moon on the black paper.
zaterdag 5 september 2009
My collection from the sea
- white drawingpaper A4 size
- aquarel pencils or watercolour paint
- brushes and water
- black paper
- scissors and glue
- black fine marker
Dutch canal houses
Made by Anne, 10 years old
You need:
- white drawing paper A4 size
- indian ink or fine black marker
- dip pen
dinsdag 1 september 2009
Remembering summer
- square drawing sheet 20 x 20 cm
- colour pencils